Egison Blog

Egison Presentation at RubyKaigi 2014

Sep 21, 2014

I have made a presentation at RubyKaigi 2014 on Sep 18. Today, I will write about that.

Ruby Egison from Rakuten, Inc

We can view my presentation abstract here.

Fortunately, the reaction of audience was very good. I talked to and was talked to by many Rubyist. It was a very good experience for me. We can see the reaction of audience on Twitter at this togetter page.

I was asked "How long does it take to learn Egison?" by Koichi Sasada after my presentation. I would like to write here a clear answer for that.

To learn to use just pattern-matching of Egison, I think people who can already write programs will need just an hour. To understand the mechanism and the theory behind Egison pattern-matching, I think people who already know the theory of functional languages will need 3 hours and people who don't know that will need 20 hours.

I have implemented the gem to spread Egison pattern-matching to more people. I believe it is not so difficult and don't want to make people hesitate to learn it.

Finally, I would like to thank staffs and everyone at RubyKaigi. I had a very great time!

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